20 March 2009

Fighting Back

People say you look alike
but that's all a lie
you can be
a mother or a father
a sibling
an uncle
the kid next door
the teacher or even the principle.

you claim we are weak
just because we don't
use our strength
because we act meek
because we have self control

We are strong
we just don't know it yet
we will rise up
we will defeat you

Running away from home
not going out doors
maybe even
quiting school
we'll do anything
to get away from you.

A parent who claims to love
as they bully and mock
a sibling that says its
"for your own good"
as they shove you
and punch you
A teacher that picks
on you because they know
you're having a bad day
A principle that wont
pay attention
or even worse
gives detentions
just for spite.

we wont take it anymore

(make of it what you will)

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