01 April 2009

Dont Do It (A Fanfiction based on real people and real (unconected) events)

Music was blasting through the apartment, My Chemical Romance to be more precise. All the lights were turned off save for a small night light in the hall. The apartment reeked of dog urine and the stale smell of sweat. The only person was in the small bedroom. The girl could not have been much older than 20 if that. She had greasy, unwashed brown hair that was cut to just past her chin. Her eyes- dark green with brown and orange spots- contrasted greatly with her sickly pale skin. The only neat or clean thing about her appearance was her clothing. She was wearing a pair of old black jean (boys) and an even older looking Queen t-shirt. Her feet were bare and she wore no jewelry, but her clothing was clean and unwrinkled.
"I can’t do this, I can’t wait for them to get back I can’t hope that they will make life better" The girl whispered to herself as she reached for her night stand, which held only three things: an old alarm clock, a razor, and the photo. The photo was of six people smiling out at her. The girl smiled briefly, remembering that day. The five other people in the picture were now famous, they were in a band- My Chemical Romance- but when the photo was taken they had just been a group of friends trying to cope with reality, they had been goofing off in the garage they used for band practice and Alan had taken the picture just as Frank and jumped on Bob, Ray had tackled Mikey and Gerard had picked up the girl bridal-style laughing all the while.
The girl picked up the razor and put in its place a note of explanation. She sighed as Cemetery Drive came on, this is the song she had been waiting for, the song that had been created from a mixture of wishes and reality. She got up slowly and moved to the bathroom, razor in hand. As the girl put the cold metal to her skin she smiled and a single tear rolled down her cheek. "Don’t do it" A voice she would never be able to ignore whispered through the house. "What? No, Gerard is on tour, that couldn't have been him..." the girl muttered. Then she remembered, she had been there when the boys recorded Cemetery Drive, Gerard had whispered that same phrase in the rest after "staring down a loaded gun". With that realization the girl started to cry, because her hopes had been built up and torn down in that instant.
"PLEASE! Arie, don’t do it!" This time there was no mistaking his voice, and this time there was no way for it to have been the song, because the music had stopped. "G..Gerard?" The girl whispered, not believing what her own mind told her. The door burst open and a man with short black hair and hazel eyes ran in and scooped the girl up into his arms, tears running down his face.
"Arie...why?" He whispered, lost for words. "I...I'm sorry, I couldn’t stand it anymore, without you guys here..." Arie trialed off unable to continue.
Arie woke up with a start. She had fallen asleep crying again, and her mind had played yet another cruel joke on her, letting her believe that her boys had returned to her. "It was just a dream...Just a f*cking dream" she whispered. The door of her bedroom opened and a pale face with hazel eyes appeared. "What was a dream?" he whispered, a smile plastered to his face. The man opened the door and walked in all the way, arms open, waiting for a hug. "GERARD! Your back!" With a shout of joy Arie jumped off the bed and tackled Gerard to the ground in a hug, tears streaming down her face, she buried her face in his old leather jacket, inhaling his familiar smell. "Hey, I missed you; the guys are waiting in the living room. Wana get dressed and come out?" Gerard whispered into her ear. Arie nodded and got off him, promptly shooing him out.
She quickly got changed into fresh clothing and was about to leave when something caught her eye.
Here suicide note from the dream was on her night stand.

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