26 February 2010

updates and religion and questions

A few things to discuss today... First, i have a new bike. its three wheels but its better than nothing, and i dont know how to ride a real bike anyway...
next, im excited to say that i will be going to church this sunday, actually im excited enough that its a good thing my calming meds arrived...
unfortunately im feeling particularly lonely and sad, not sad enough to think about death (that hasnt been the case since january) but still sad... and i know why im lonely and its a stupid reason... besides, im never /really/ alone... even when im feeling like this. Good thing there's less than 200 days until my birthday or i might feel more hopeless... As is i just cant wait for my future to become the present.
There is another issue, lately i've been getting a feeling i need to get baptized as soon as can be... the problem is that thats not likely to happen while im in California, and anyway i've been wanting to wait until i move... but that feeling is rather persistent and generally i would think to follow it...

QOD1: do you ever feel lonely when you arent alone?

QOD2: what do you think i should do?